Monday, June 4, 2012

Duck Season? No It's Strawberry Season!

My favorite time of the year! The first couple weeks of June. School is out, summer has started. We welcome warm weather, shorts, sprinkles and STRAWBERRIES!

There is nothing better then the sweet smell of homegrown (well Gessners this year) of strawberries. I have a few plants in my garden however the birds seem to like them as much as I.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Meet 2013 Senior Reps!

Alyssa DeLong is a 2013 Senior at Ottoville High School.  Get a rep card from her and get $10 off your sitting fee.

Brittay Inkrott is a 2013 Senior at Ft Jennings High School. Get a rep card from her and get $10 off your sitting fee.

If you would like to know more about becoming a REP and receiving FREE stuff, please contact Joyce at or 419-615-8062.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Photographer's Garden

Here it is only May 9th and I have already enjoyed fresh vegetables from our garden. Nope, I haven't moved to warmer climates. Due to warm(er) March and April and a clever husband, my dinner plate has already seen radishes and lettuce.

Randy built this raised garden the middle of March and he couldn't but help himself to planting some seeds even before April hit. We had a couple freezes since then but Randy went out and covered his delicate plants and so the colder temperatures didn't hurt them a bit.

Now I would be in trouble if I didn't share that this wonderful masterpiece is self watering. It has tubes that run through the bottom of it that allows the moisture to be soaked up from the bottom up. Also there is no dirt in this garden. It is all some sort of potting soil that contains no actual soil.

The radishes are ready to be picked. I am told there will be a second crop of radishes! What does one family do with so many radishes, I have no idea.

I keep telling Mr Honigford to thin out the carrots because I don't think these little guys will grow to much size crowed in there like that. We had no idea they would take so well.
The leaf lettuce, if we can keep up with cutting it, should produce an ample supply for the next several months.

Mr Honigford has picked some onions for our salad. They aren't ready yet, but that doesn't seem to keep them from being picked.

I also will at some point have tomatoes, peas, green beans, zucchini, and peppers. Not sure which one this is of those but it is planted in the 'old' garden.

I will have no excuse to not increase my vegetable intake in the next several months. I am a lucky lady to have some a wonderful husband with a green thumb. Until now, I had no idea. :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

My Lady Green

We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time. ~Vince Lombardi

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Home Again Memorial & Child's Poem Wall Print

All items are available on my etsy page. If you wish to contact me, you can email me at for prices and framing options.
